International Piano Academy
Giving individuals the ability to express themselves through music!
​For more information!
Spiritoso [Italian] ~ Music to be performed in a spirited or animated manner.
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As the student, do I need to turn my camera on during the lesson?
Upon registration into a Spiritoso program, a virtual meeting link will be sent to the students/parents that will be for a specific time and day of the week. Currently Spiritoso is using Zoom, Facetime, and Skype as their platforms for lessons. User instructions on how to use the meeting platform can be provided upon request.
Lesson assignment and insights into improving are sent out via email the same day as the lesson.
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How do virtual lessons work?
Most standard laptops/tablets work to start off with. Most standard speakers in laptops/tablets work for beginning piano students. The sound quality is not the best but workable. For intermediate & advanced students, it is recommended that you invest more into an external mic and speakers that can be hooked up to the laptop/tablet. Usually, you can find something on amazon that will do the trick.
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Can I use a laptop/tablet for the virtual lesson or do I need specialized equipment?
How much time should I dedicate to practicing a day?
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The instructor will work with you on positioning your laptop or iPad. With that said, it is important to position it off to one side where your body position, hand position and the keys are in view. That will give the instructor the viewpoint required for them to help you succeed.
How should I position my laptop or iPad?
Although we have our favorite brands of piano that we perform on, we typically do not endorse a specific brand to our students. With that said, it is important to have a piano or keyboard that has all 88 keys. For students that are advancing to higher levels, a piano is recommended over a keyboard for performance touch and feel.
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What type of piano do I need?
Yes. The instructor needs to be able to assess your body posture, hand position, face, and piano keys to help you achieve your greatest potential.
This is a common question asked by students and parents alike. Some schools/studios will require students to fill out a practice sheet of time spent. We believe the most important thing about music is to learn the enjoyment of it. We give enough assignments for each student to practice and progress consistently every week. We focus more on quality of practice rather than the quantity of time.
How do the virtual Preludio group class work?
We will have up to 6 students for each class. There are accompanying lesson plans with new concepts. In addition, there are a number of music activities such as rhythm, reading music notes, ear training, and identifying keys.
How do the virtual performance classes work for Intermedio & Superiore?
We will have up to 6 students per class. They will each have the opportunity to perform the pieces they learned that month from memory for their peers.